
Panduit Labels Word Template
Panduit Labels Word Template

Laser Ink Jet Self-Laminating Label Cassettes Part #:S100X125YAJ Featuring a convenient colored print-on area and clear over-laminate, these versatile, highly reliable self-laminating adhesive labels can be quickly and easily printed out on both laser and ink jet printers. Label Cassette Specifications: White, 1/8″ diameter heat shrinkable polyolefin, 22-16 AWG, 100/cassette. These Panduit tape labels are intended to be used with the PanTher™ Hand-held Thermal Transfer Label Printer and theTDP43ME Desktop Thermal Transfer Cassette Label Maker. Ideal for effective use in a broad range of wire and cable labeling applications, these quick loading Panduit cartridges come equipped with both label material and ribbon, which makes changing labels fast and efficient! Each label cassette contains a roll of die-cut non-adhesive flattened polyolefin, and meets print performance requirements of MIL-M-81531 and MIL-STD-202F Method 215A, Solution A, C, and D, as well as UL Standard 224 for flammability. 6A cables, 200/cassette Length: 1.50″/38.10mm width: 1.00″/25.40mm Print-on Area height.50″/12.70mm Heat Shrink Wire Marker Label Cassettes Part #:H100X025H1C These ultra-durable heat shrink wire marker Panduit label cassettes contain a highly advanced integrated memory device that allows for automatic formatting, instant recall of last legend used, and the ability to quickly and conveniently see the number of labels remaining in the cassette.

Panduit Labels Word Template

Label Cassette Specifications: White print-on area, vinyl label for Cat.

Panduit Labels Word Template

These Panduit tape labels are available in a variety of convenient sizes, and are intended for use with the PanTher™ Hand-held Thermal Transfer Label Printer and the TDP43ME Desktop Thermal Transfer Cassette Labeler.

Panduit Labels Word Template