Farosh Dropped To The Ground The Scale of FaroshTake out the body.Claw of FaroshFire the hammer.Farosh's Horn ShardFire the hornsFarosh's Fang ShardTake a shot at the face What is the exceptional way to farm botw farosh? What is the exceptional way to farm botw farosh At midnight, Botw Farosh, the thunder dragon, appears at Lake Hylia in. It'll likely land in the water, but don't worry - it glows enough that it's easy to spot. Interact with it, and it will ask you to bring Farosh's scale, obtained from the golden spirit.Equip your bow and land an arrow on Farosh's body to knock off a scale.

You'll see the glowing statue from the entrance. Go to the Dracozu lake and look for what looks like a giant stone dragon head.

Go the Lake Tower near Lake Hylia and jump off to the north and land on the south exit off the bridge above Hylia.The Spring of Courage is located in the Faron region, in the rainforest east of Lake Hylia.

You can find Farosh near Lake Hylia at around midnight, she will come out of the lake if you are close enough to have her spawn. Using a Horn results in the maximum effect time of 30:00.Farosh is one of the mighty dragon spirits that roam the land of Hyrule. 12:30AM - Attack Farosh, collect item (likely on a cliff below or in the lake). These majestic beasts weave their way through Hyrule's skyline if you know where. Encountering Zelda Dragons Farosh, Dinrall and Naydra is one of the most impressive sights of Breath of the Wild.You Can View Our List of Recipes To Help You Prepare For Your Adventure: Recipes. You Can View Our List of Weapons and Clothing Locations Here: Weapons and Clothing. Shard of Farosh's Horn: Duration Bonus: 1800+ Sell Price: 300 Rupees: View All Of Our Shrine Walkthroughs Here: Shrine Guides. When you see the updraft, paraglide parallel. Fly down from Lake Tower to the top of the first bridge tower and wait for it to appear. Farosh begins early morning at both Lake Hylia and Lake Floria.Farosh's Scale can be dropped into the Spring of Courage to reveal a hidden Ancient Shrine. After being shot, the dragon will disappear until the next in-game day. Depending on where Farosh is shot, it will drop a Shard of Farosh's Horn, Shard of Farosh's Fang, Farosh's Claw or Farosh's Scale.